View Profile Scrambledheggs
Your cute.

Age 35, Male



Joined on 6/22/06

Exp Points:
360 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.74 votes
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Latest News


I just recently looked and found out that my fifth year of signing up here was two days ago. Seen lots of great flashes and it's only made me want to animate even more. I recently received a PM telling me I should make more animations, which was really encouraging. To any of my fans that may be floating around out there on the site, just letting you know that there's another work in progress that I'm hoping to have done sometime in the next few months when I have the time between summer classes (FML). Don't want to spoil too much about it, but I'll let you know that it is going to be another Queen music video since I got such a good response from the first one and I loved this song so much I just had to pick it for a new animation. Another hint is actually in the little screenshot teaser, the outfit that he is wearing is actually the same outfit that Freddie Mercury is wearing in the music video, so for anyone who wants to go lurking on youtube to find it out and spoil it for everyone else, there's your hint. I'm trying to improve on my lip synching and I think it is going over quite well. I'm also going to try and not be so lazy with backgrounds and I've also been changing outfits as much as possible to give a lot more variety and less frames that just look like repeats. I'm about a third of the way through the song and I absolutely love it already, I can't stop watching it over and over again and I'm hoping everyone that watches it will do the same. Anyways, it's been a fun 5 years coming to this place and watching the changes its made and also seeing the changes in my own work. A big thanks to good ol Mr. Fulp as well as to all my fans, however small my fan base may actually be lol.

5 Year Anniversary and NEW ANIMATION NEWS!

Recent Game Medals

8,720 Points

Projectile Power 10 Points

04 - Regain your throwing sword or throwing beef after losing it

Pushy 10 Points

04 - Push a not-so-secret block

Super Slash 10 Points

04 - Use Rage move on Level 4

Walk On Water 10 Points

04 - Get the ladder

Familiar Shape 5 Points

04 - Get the map

No Mercy 5 Points

03 - Execute the Fatality move

Bloody Chum 25 Points

02 - Defeat Big Daddy Boss

Bigger Boat 10 Points

02 - Defeat Jaws

Merbobos 5 Points

02 - Choose wisely with Annie the Mermaid

Typhoon Time 10 Points

02 - Use Rage move on level 2

Latest Shared Creations


Added to level for Gap Monsters Jul 30, 2011.